Labels:book | bulletin board | dialog box | door | shelf | sky | window OCR: Tarot Cueitiner Occult Pick*It by Tarot is the essences ond the true universal lows of life Thinki c1 arru 1987 by HUNTER Hunter if t q uestion th at rer yuires L UES rr 11 onswer, tnd then pick tne cord from the twenty-two Major Arcona before Name flnahzor The Tome Analyzer f based Mumerolgy Enter Jr. 1s JMOR. I's not necessary to enter Senior. It person's aw Williom but HnOW him by Bill, then enter BILL. Widdle Tomes middle initials should be used oly to malyze the difference relationships opposed n the everydoy nome the person uses. fhing Stort Throwing Coins from top hutton tr botton hutton 1010 ionor Torot miversal Restion requires Arcoma Naue huzep alyzer JUMOR necessori persor Wiliom HILL only reltionshios pposed Thro wing buttor hottom button